

In my third year of college, my mission trip supervisor asked me to tell her what my experience growing up in the church with an attraction to the same gender was like. After five seconds of mental gymnastics, I realized that a satisfactory answer comprised a four hour conversation that neither of us could have at a Friday night vespers.

Although I have read many stories detailing an individual's journey with their sexuality, I didn't feel like I could offer any of them in place of my own. Some involve an overnight conversion from a sexually saturated daily routine to following Christ and renouncing old addictions and ideas. Others follow the experience of a boy or girl who fails to become straight until they accept their sexuality and leave their childhood church behind.

My story offers the perspective of a gay teen in a Christian environment within the last decade. It may not be as exciting as those found in the library, but it depicts my unique experience of trying to reconcile my sexuality with my faith and community. That's why I feel the need to share it. After all, if I don't, no one else will. Whether you are a part of the queer community, the church, or both, I hope my experience makes the discussion about sexuality more personal to you.